EASY CAP 4 Channel USB 2.0 DVR – Video Capture Surveillance
Adalah alat sistem keamanan untuk 1 sampai 4 Kamera Pengintai atau CCTV dan sangat ideal untuk penjagaan/pemantauan Rumah/halaman dan Toko2 ataupun juga Kantor2 hanya dengan instalasi yang sangat mudah hanya cukup dengan men
ginstall drivernya dan memasang dongle tersebut ke USB komputer/laptop anda.
Pemakaian EASY CAP merupakan alternatif termudah dan murah dibandikan pemakaian menggunakan DVR (Digital Video Recording) yg harga sekarang diperkirakan mencapai harga Rp.1jt. bahkan lebih.
* Easycap 4-Channel USB 2.0 DVR Survellance Video/Audio
* USB Cable
* Software CD (Driver and Application)
* Quick Install Guide
- USB 2.0 interface
- 4 channels video input in one card, the maximum display/recording rate is 25 fps under PAL format and 30 fps under NTSC format
- 4 screen display modes are available
- Multi alarm triggering method: sensor, motion, video loss, and HDD space shortage
- Support schedule recording mode, recycling recording method available
- MPEG4 video compression format. 5 level recording quality options available, and the recording frame rate range from 1 to 30 fps adjustable for each channel
- support multi-channel playback, searching by time/date and recording events, images can be zoom/capture/save/print/back up
- Support remote surveillance and PTZ control through web browser, support dynamic domain
- Configurable auto reboot function for preventing PC deadlock
The MultiViewer Application can be started by clicking on the MultiViewer icon or by using the Start menu. The Following window should appear:
A. Viewer Mode - Select viewer mode, such as Four Viewer, Big & Four Viewer and Single Viewer.
B. Viewer Window - Show video image.
C. Audio Play - For audio remote listening, with USB2.0 Audio interface .
D. Login&Logout - Login and Logout the MultiViewer, by Username and Password.
E. Camera/Channel Selection - Click the buttion,select Camera/Channel.
F. Auto turning foucs - Click the "ON" buttion to enable, and click the "OFF" buttion to disable.
G. Channel Settings -Such as channel description, channel active/inactive etc.
H. System Settings - Adjust video recorder settings, such as Save AVI File Path etc.
I. Record -Start and end video record
J. Property - Advanced Settings video picture settings and fine tuning.
K. Show Stamp -Show MultiViewer's system information,such as channel description, etc.
L. Timer Snap - Captures and saves a bitmap picture aft
er Schedule end.Timer adjustable by clicking on have file options button. Ref. N)
M. Snap Shot -Capture and saves an instant bitmap picture.
N. Save File - Settings Schedule for timer snap, displays and allows capture of destination path and filename of bitmap capture file.
O. Security&Surveillance - Include E-Mail Sever Setup, Motion Detction Setup, Signal Lost Setup, Sensitivity Setup, and Auto Logout Setup.
System min. requirements :
Windows 2000/XP sp2 or sp3, 1.7GHz CPU or bett
er, 128M memory or better
Microsoft DirectX 9.0C, USB2.0 Interface, Audio Card / True Color VGA Card
EasyCAP 4-Channel 4-Input USB 2.0
Tutorial How to Install EasyCap Driver Windows-7 32bit
Install EasyCap Driver Windows-7 32bit
HARGA : Rp. 125.000,-
- COD & FREE ONGKIR khusus wilayah JAK-PUS.!!
- DP & Ongkir berlaku Untuk area wilayah Jakarta, diluar JakPus
- Area luar kota Jakarta "Hrg.Barang + Biaya Expedisi" (Brg.langsung dikirim setelah menerima transfer!)
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